Nutrilite Tulsi | Amway Views

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Nutrilite Tulsi

Best of Nature, Best of Science, Best of Traditional Wisdom

१.सर्व ज्वर रोग नियंत्रक
२.श्वेत प्रदर(स्त्री रोग) नाशक
३.मूत्र रोग नाशक
४.माहवारी नियंत्रक
५.त्वचा रोग नाशक
५.एंटीआक्सीडेंट, (रोग प्रतिरोधी)
६.रक्त शोधक ७.शर्दी,खांसी,जुकाम (कफ रोग) नाशक
८.स्फूर्ति दायक.........

Nutrilite Tulsi has assured levels of Tulsi extract drawn from Certified Organic Herbs.

Amway Tulsi has assured levels of Tulsi extract drawn from Certified Organic Herbs. Get the purest form of basil extract in Amway Tulsi.
Tulsi is known to help# in:
  1. Supporting immunity
  2. Being a potent adaptogen
  3. Having an antioxidant effect


One Tablet, 1-2 Times a Day
  1. Please donot exceed the recommended daily dosage
  2. Children under 12 years of age, pregnant or lactating women or anyone with a medical condition should consult with a physician before using this product
More Info
  1. Species: Ocimum sanctum
  2. Plant Part: Whole Plant
  3. Active Ingredient: 2% Ursolic acid (3.8 mg)
Pack Size: 60N Tablets
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