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Comparison of XS whey protein 


optimum and musclenitro and muscleblaze

There is increased competition between various whey proteins theses days.

Often people are confused Which one to go for. I will brief few parameters which should be known to all:

1) Types of Whey extract-- isolates/ hydrolyse/concentrates.....brands play here by mixing whey from various ends.... better is isolates...lactose free.

2) source of whey: do brands have certified good manufacturing process.GMP certification and other standard practises.

3) Protein digestibility corrected amino acid score (PDCASS): brands don't mention this score because it is WHO recognised parameter...top brands mention this parameter like XS has 1.0 PDCASS which means in 10gms digestibility is 98.5 so 100%. Protein expression type brands have less than 40% so they don't mention.... others put their own made enzymes like digienz in muscleblaze.. Which is!!!...

4) Use of NON GMO ingredients--- almost all the brands use Genetically Modified ingredients which definitely lack natural phytonutrients and have unknown effect on health.....prefer brands with NON GMO certification

5) There are many fields which can reduce price of your whey without letting you understand...so many artificial colours, noncaking agents, preservatives added

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